It was a trip of just over 20 hours by plane.

I remember reading Laura Gutman’s The Human Biography during the flight.

My luggage went without expectations.

I had heard, read and seen many reports, videos and images of that country and I was somewhat anxious to arrive.

The flight attendant’s voice announced that we would be descending and that we should prepare to disembark.

9 years ago, with no pandemic in sight or anything resembling it, personal spaces were not measured like they are now.

I left the plane and walked to the hallway that would lead me, like the other passengers, to the international police… The minute I left the plane and entered the airport I felt pushed by a sea. Yes, a sea, but not a sea of ​​water, but of people.

I think that for the first time I felt metaphorically and literally like a sheep, part of a flock that was advancing at rapid speed, which was impossible for one like me to adulterate, amidst so much human waves.

The herd advanced and between my nerves and the laughter caused by walking with short and fast steps, with almost no personal space, I looked around and saw dozens or perhaps hundreds of people who looked similar to each other to the eyes of a first-timer. in China.

Touring the city of Hong Kong was quite an experience and I have flashes of memories that are not far from those first minutes at the airport. Seeing, feeling, smelling the city, observing its people, its dialogues (incomprehensible to me), understanding that speed was not something particular to the airport but rather, for my perception, it was in the air, it was recorded in my memories.

China was going to another world. I repeated to myself during those days: the west is so different from the east…

I remembered this experience the other day when I wanted to explain how digital sales were similar to my experience in the eastern country.

Selling digitally is going to another world. What you learned in the West does not help you in the East. What you learned in person does not necessarily apply digitally. They are new rules, they are new codes, they are new conversations.

I think that after living these last 14 months I am not sure that the east is on my wishlist as my next vacation destination. But this story does help me illustrate the point, right?

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