In times of uncertainty, PROSPECTING clients is a great challenge, however, those who know the keys to CONNECT with potential clients, regardless of the context, undoubtedly have a great ADVANTAGE.

Here are 3 LEARNINGS that I have gained during my sales journey:

LEARNING 1. Position yourself as a SOURCE OF VALUE. What can you do and share that will add value to your prospect? With little time to research, customers appreciate when they receive information relevant to them from you. ADDING VALUE will always come before doing business.

LEARNING 2. FOLLOW UP focusing on their agenda and not yours. Successful prospecting is one that focuses on the prospect. Do you know the speed with which he makes his purchase decisions? Do you know if this has changed as a result of the current contingency? What information could you provide him during the purchase decision process to help him decide other than just asking him if reviewed your proposal? TRUST is earned by giving concrete signs of your interest in him, give, deliver, contribute!

LEARNING 3. Become friends with REJECTION. During times of high uncertainty the chances of receiving “NO” as an answer increase… However, the most effective salespeople in prospecting are those who are not afraid of rejection and find in NO, an opportunity to discover reasons to return to the negotiating table. negotiation.

What learning makes the most sense to you?I’d love to read your comment on this post!

Connect with Karen, write to her at +56956796727

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