Sharon Parker

Executive Director with experience in Human Relations Consulting

Karen exudes energy and inspiration, forming high-level teams, adapting her strategies.

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Karen exudes energy and inspiration. Together with depth of concepts and proven methodologies, she manages to form high-performance sales teams. She impacts and transforms from the closeness of her connections and is tremendously generous with her experience, being able to adapt deliverables to the client’s needs. It has been a privilege to have Karen as part of the Strategy of Champions team.

Alberto Rigail

CEO and founder of The Council LATAM, Leader in Business Innovation

Karen Montalva was one of the CEOs invited to the CEO to CEO 2019 event organized by The Council.

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Her presentation was spectacular, very valuable. Great life and business lessons. Our Community of CEOs from The Council learned a lot and came away very energized to create experiences and lead the necessary changes in their company, always Raise The Bar. In addition, Karen is a very generous person, who gives herself to teach and help others grow. !

Andrea Aguayo

Business Partner, Produbanco People Advisor, Promerica Group Ecuador

Crack in business, sales, communication and female leadership

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Crack! Business, Sales, Communication, Female Leadership.

She transmits all of these topics from his experience, with passion, relevant information and clarity that invites you to take action now!

Marlon Valverde

General Director of Social Banking, Banco Popular Costa Rica, Strategic Leadership

Professional, impressive results, significant learning, guaranteed fun, total recommendation.

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Karen Montalva’s professionalism is the personal hallmark of her work, I have had the opportunity to count on her support in several projects in different financial institutions and the result has been formidable. Dozens of clients and collaborators satisfied with all the learning, activities and experiences, it takes you to action and practice in the blink of an eye, but most importantly generating impact results. My total recommendation to this great professional and person, in addition to learning a lot, there are lots of fun moments!!!

Patricio Martínez

General Manager at Mutual de Seguros de Chile, Sales Strategies

Effective support for commercial teams, adaptation, energy and quick results.

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Karen has carried out an effective support process for our commercial teams, getting involved and understanding the culture and needs of our corporation to adapt the course of the project in the best way.

Her energy level in the workshops and her knowledge of best sales practices is allowing us to improve the way we do things, and she has allowed us to see results quickly.

Antonio Pizarro

Commercial Manager at Mutual de Seguros de Chile, 30 years+ of experience

Karen’s intervention strengthened the Champions Strategy, with tools for efficient sales.

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The intervention of Karen and her team has been an excellent way to approach and enhance the Champions Strategy under a model of specific techniques and concepts that has given my team the Tools for more efficient sales management, Excellent Work Karen, Total Thanks!!!

Mirna Astudillo

General Personnel Manager at Royal America Chile, Strategic Leadership

Shocking energy, practical wisdom, grateful recommendation. Thanks Karen.

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Karen accompanied us in a tremendous learning experience for the team.

With his energy and a precise mix between theoretical foundations, his years of experience and practical cases, he makes available tools applicable not only for the sales team and the sales task, but also for self-assessment and the development of skills. professionals necessary in these complex times. I recommend her training to achieve the necessary impact to mobilize cognitively and emotionally, in order to achieve the objectives that are set from the commercial role. Thanks Karen!

Gregorio Moreno

Vice President, SME Segment, Business Intelligence, Sustainability

Karen, for years she has provided high value, achieving great engagement at each event.

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Karen’s relationship with Produbanco began in 2019. Since then Karen has given conferences and workshops for our portfolio of SME clients, achieving great engagement at each event. Recently I have seen her show her great versatility, leading a sales workshop in times of crisis for our team of commercial executives. The novelty of this last workshop was that it was carried out 100% online, precisely proving that it is possible to maintain a captivated audience via video conference.

I could quantify the numerous clients and executives who have expressed their satisfaction with the fresh and genuine content – for lack of a better word – that Karen offers. But, I’m going to limit myself to saying that having Karen in any space or capacity is a factor that gives HIGH ADDED VALUE.

I hope to continue counting on her for Produbanco’s internal and external initiatives.

Isabel Figueroa

CEO and Editorial Director at Factor de Éxito International Magazine

I recommend Karen for her commitment to the role of women, inspiration and motivation.

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It is a real pleasure to recommend Karen Montalva, who has been a valuable collaborator as a columnist in our magazine “Factor de Éxito”. As Editorial Director and CEO, I have had the honor of witnessing her deep commitment to promoting the role of women in society, as well as her dedication to providing powerful and practical content that resonates deeply with our audience.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to have Karen as a speaker at our Women’s Leadership event in the Dominican Republic, where she demonstrated her ability to motivate, inspire, and activate the energy of teams through her eclectic teaching methodology.

With over 25 years of experience designing and delivering corporate training programs, and 7 years as a public speaker, Karen has demonstrated her deep understanding of the impact she can have with a balanced intervention. She has developed impressive learning experiences in three lines of content: Orchestrating, Persuadiendo and Soy Monarka, impacting more than 20,000 people in 18 Latin American countries.
I have no doubt that Karen is a committed professional, an inspiring speaker and a powerful voice in women’s empowerment, and I am confident that she will continue to be a valued collaborator in any project she undertakes.

Veruska Villegas

Human Resources Business Partner, Microfocus Latin America

Karen was part of our Speakers for Kick Off.

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From Micro Focus in Latin America. Although her message was focused on Sales, she managed to generate interest in all the team members who were on the call, whether they were from the commercial area or not. Her message was the perfect balance between personal experience, methodology, theoretical bases and motivating message.

Catalina Le Blanc

Head of Sales at Buk, leadership in Human Resources Software

Catalina was Karen’s client, the #YOVENDO course was great.

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Karen!!!! She gave us CONCRETE tools to sell more and better. We haven’t finished the course yet and we are already seeing the results. 100% recommendable!

Isabel Cárdenas

General Manager at SIRAL. Strategic Leadership and Outstanding Management

Together with my partners we are very grateful and happy.

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For the participation of Karen Montalva as a speaker in different activities that we carry out in our BIOFEMME Group companies: PROLOGIC, CRESENS and SIRAL. The recipients are very motivated by the content she teaches. 

Karla Icaza

Writer, Banker, Board Member, Promerica Group

Promerica launched the Protagonists Program with Karen

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To contribute to the personal growth and empowerment of our collaborators. Karen was our keynote speaker and joined us on a panel where we talked about our experiences as women in the corporate world. Karen left us many valuable and practical recommendations; Her participation was extraordinary. Motivating, genuine, enthusiastic. 

Sebastián Balmaceda

Commercial Manager Royal America Chile

Karen provides effective strategic advice to optimize sales

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The advice of Karen and her team has been an excellent way to face and maximize our commercial strategy under this “new normal” with which we are faced. Specific techniques and concepts have given my team the necessary tools to make their prospecting and sales capacity more efficient. All this also has an essential motivational component to not give up in these difficult times and thus achieve the expected results. Thanks Karen, excellent job!!

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